Sunday 11 April 2010

Bypass Support

Over recent weeks Bypass group members have been contacting local and regional MPs and Parliamentary Candidates asking for their support in the pursuit of a bypass for Rillington. There responses have been overwhelmingly positive:

John Greenway, MP, said,
"I strongly support the campaign for the Rillington bypass to be constructed as quickly as possible. The Government approved this scheme years ago but subsequently delegated responsibility to Regional Assemblies. Sadly the Regional Assembly for Yorkshire does not feel that this bypass has sufficient priority. I would like to see North Yorkshire County Council, supported by Ryedale District Council and Scarborough Borough Council apply the maximum pressure to the Regional Assembly and Regional Development Agency to make this scheme the priority that local residents and visitors to the North Yorkshire coast deserve."
Anne McIntosh, MP, said,
"I am delighted to have lent support in the past and to renew that support. The levels of traffic pose a threat to road safety and there have been a tragic series of fatal accidents. The traffic levels also affect air quality levels, as well as disturbing the natural environment of Rillington itself."
Howard Keal, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Thirsk and Malton, said,
"I fully support the call for a bypass to relieve Rillington of the traffic which has plagued the village for decades. Calls for the by-pass were made more than 35 years ago and more than a decade afterwards Liberal Democrat Elizabeth Shields forced an early hours adjournment debate on the Conservatives when she was MP. The Tory Government responded to the compelling case put forward by doing nothing at all about a bypass for the next decade they were in power, followed by 13 years of failure to deliver it under Labour. I know there are concerns about trade in the village in the event of a bypass being built but strong direction signs coupled with the easier passage of remaining traffic would help reduce the impact on businesses. The improvements a bypass would offer in terms of safety and quality of life for villagers are so significant that the case has never been stronger. The accident record on the road and heavy traffic levels demand an answer - the answer is a bypass."
Jonathan Roberts , Labour parliamentary candidate for Thirsk and Malton, said,
"15,000 cars a day pass through Rillington every day as commuters, shoppers and holiday-makers navigate the county, and it is clear to see that a bypass would make a tremendous difference to the quality of life of local residents. The safety and economic arguments in favour of the bypass have already been made, and as far as I am concerned the debate has been won. Now is the time for action."

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