Wednesday 11 November 2009

Letters to the Press: "Villagers want a safe and peaceful life"

Rillington residents Mr and Mrs Tony and Dyanne Morrison have had their letter calling for a bypass printed in today’s edition of the Malton & Pickering Mercury. In their letter they quote a Highways Agency survey conducted in 2007 which found that a staggering 15,000 vehicles pass through the village each day. They also relate a personal experience which highlights a further problem of the single carriageway:

“Recently I was in the unfortunate situation where a family member was injured and had to be taken immediately to hospital. As the ambulance started driving towards York I asked why we were not going to Scarborough Hospital. The reply from the driver was that to the fact that the A64 to York was partially dualled made the journey quicker than the single carriageway to Scarborough”

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Letters to the Press: "Bypass is essential for the traffic of today"

Rillington resident Mr Alan Robinson has had his letter calling for a bypass printed in today’s edition of the Malton & Pickering Mercury. Mr Robinson points out that section of the A64 which passes through the heart of the village “was never designed for the relentless heavy traffic which now passes through. Quite simply the road is inadequate for the 21st century”. He also states “There have been many serious accidents in the village and the safety of residents is paramount.”

Monday 2 November 2009


The Rillington Bypass Group will meet 11/11/09 at Rillington Village Hall.

Sunday 1 November 2009


The Rillington Bypass Group are to met with Sergent Neil Campbell and Inspector Tim Hutchinson to discuss the A64 and road safety issues on Tuesday 24th November.